[welcome to rachael robinett photography]

Dana's Family



There was no shortage of smiles from Cameron. I swear it was infectious! What a happy little guy. Hard to believe he has gotten so big just in the past 6 months.

I love this photo for my own reasons. It looks as though he is reaching for me! Guys his age usually don't want anything to do with me. This photo makes me feel so loved!
Actually it was the umbrella that Wav was holding over my head that he wanted. I can dream can't I?


What a sweet baby. He so wanted to stay awake but we waited him out and he did finally fall asleep. It was amazing to see how he instantly calmed when mom covered him with her hands.
This is one of my very favorite photos.

Stingy Smiles

This little miss can be kind of stingy with her smiles but I think we got a few!

Football season

What a beautiful morning it was out on the football field! We had a good time with these pictures. This is just the first part of our session. Go Panthers!!