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the importance of pictures...

Great article that reminds us the important of photos.....Spanki Mills Photography

Jaimie | Senior Photography | AGWSR | Iowa

Some of my favorite shots from this year are from Jaimie's session. She is such a beautiful girl and was incredibly easy to work with. Her timing is impeccable: she came to see me on the only nice weekend we had in April. We did the walk around town and then she was kind enough to humor me with a visit to my favorite laundry mat! Good luck in the future Jaimie!!

Laynee | Children's Photography | Waterloo, Iowa

Oh my Laynee! She is so adorable and she definitely follows her own agenda, lol! She was more interested in sitting in my lap and looking at the pictures than she was letting me take her picture. Those big brown eyes and that infectious smile are irresitable!

Jaidyn | Child Photography | Waverly, Iowa

Jaidyn and her mom came to see me while they were back celebrating her 3rd birthday. She was absolutely sweet! And what a treat to have all the Davis girls were here, couldn't resist getting some of them all together