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Derick Niedert | Senior Photography | Parkersburg, Iowa

These photos were bittersweet for me. I remember the day Derick was born, getting the phone call from Brian in Arizona. I remember when Derick dressed up as an Indian for Halloween but didn't want to go to any of my neighbors because they were too scary. I remember his infectious smile (the picture he is holding of himself as a child i took as well. who would have thought!) I remember watching him tear around on his bike in the driveway. I remember long talks about school and girls and his future. I remember how he would hang out all evening with us just sitting around the camp fire instead of going out with his friends (ok that was just last summer but still!). I had a great time getting these shots last summer. He was a trooper meeting me where ever i wanted to meet, when ever i wanted to meet. I've enjoyed watching him grow up and am excited to see what the future has in store for him. Good luck Dirk, we love you!

This picture is like a time warp to my eyes.