[welcome to rachael robinett photography]

Claire & Ethan

I did a quick little mini session for Claire and Ethan on Saturday. I have to remember not to take too many pictures because then it becomes to hard for Jodi to decide. As her friend I feel I have to help her out any way i can, lol!!! I love these two kids!

Laura's senior pictures

Would it be redundant if i said we had a really good time? Don't I always say that? but it's true!!! I love what i do. I love getting to work with new & interesting people. I felt like Laura & I were really on the same page too, seemed like we were always heading in the same direction! Good luck Laura!

The Evans Family

I'm so lucky to get to work with so many beautiful families. We had a great time in spite of the chilly temperatures! Poor Gary was getting bossed around by two Rachael's but he took it well!!

The Moore Family

Meet the ever adorable Moore family! What fun kids!

And I finally got to meet Scout.

Little Miss Luck

As always I completely enjoyed my time with this family! It's so much fun watching Isabelle grow and watching her little personality develop. I also love that they always comes with at least one complete clothes change! What more could a photographer ask for!! Thanks guys!!

My new friends Sadie and Carlos. What good babies they were too!

The Walton's

I had a great time getting to know the Walton's and their adorable little girl!!! Little Miss L didn't want to part with many smiles though!

The Droste's at Play

Just a couple more from my time with the Droste's. We got to enjoy the new playground equipment at Pine Lake towards the end of our session.

The Droste Family

My beautiful friend Denise and her ever charming (and handsome. and funny. and witty. and....) husband Jason brought their family all the way to the campground a few weeks back for their family photos. It was chilly but we kept moving and hardly noticed it. Those boys are growing so fast!!

This family holds a special place in my heart.


Cody is all boy! A couple of these were actually taken while he sat in the skid loader in their back yard. Gosh it was good to see Kristi too. It's hard to believe it had been a year since I had seen them. Time flies!!!