[welcome to rachael robinett photography]

Ethan: 1 Year Old

Ethan went from this.....

To this.... in one year! What a big boy he is now! And such a nice little boy too!! And patient, he sat while we did photos for his cousin Morgan and never made a peep. Just watched and had some juice. I hope his next year goes a little slower. Happy Birthday Ethan!!!

And you can't have a first birthday with out some CAKE!!! The beautiful cupcake was courtesy of Jill Schares!

Breckin 3 months

Boys Boys Boys! I've had lots of boys this summer but again this one was on his best behavior the whole time he was here. What a sweet baby. He definitely only had eyes for mom though.
(I can't help but see some similarities to his big cousin Isabelle here and here.)

Drake 9 months

As I post this I'm realizing Drake's one year birthday is just around the corner. How is that possible? Wasn't it just the other day that he was a little tiny, skinny newborn?


Cade is probably one of the nicest little boys I know. It's always a good time when I get to spend time with Cade and his family!


Just a little sneak peak. I couldn't resist digging into a few of these. Rebecca and I had a ton of fun last Saturday afternoon. There's more to come!!