[welcome to rachael robinett photography]

Snyder Family: Waterloo Iowa: Family Photography

I can't believe this was our back up location. And thinking back on it, i can't even remember what our primary location was, lol! The foliage was perfect. The hills cut the wind sufficiently. The lighting was ideal. Everything was perfect. I'm so fortunate to be close to this family and regularly get to spend quality time with them. I love them all dearly!

Great Girls! Cedar Falls Iowa: Children & Family Photographer

I've know Stephanie for years. More years than i want to admit (because that would really date me!). I was so excited to work with her and her family. I love her girls as much as my own (probably more than my own because Lily & Rose are just that great!) I also got to meet Craig's daughter Jess for the first time that day. I fell in love with her eyes and come to find out she is as sweet as Lily & Rose!

Luck Family: Cedar Falls Iowa: Family Photographer

I'm doing a little catching up. Posting some of my favorite family session from 2010! I always enjoy working with Carlos & Sadie. They are very well mannered and always happy to see me. Don't get me wrong Isabelle, Lyndsi & Nate are great too!